Oh man! This was one busy summer! It was filled with ups and downs, highs and lows, and never seemed to provide a breather. We started the summer season by leaving Babycake for two weeks with my parents while we flew across the pond with my husband's family to Ireland, England, and Whales.
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Stonehenge |
No we didn't visit Great Britain b/c we visited the part of Ireland that is not part of Great Britain- I learned a lot of history and geography on this trip. If you don't know what I'm talking about, you should seriously watch this video. It's informative and entertaining.
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Wedding prep |
So, we got back, had a week to attempt a normal routine again, and then left that weekend to Chicago. I had the honor of being a bridesmaid to one of my best friends while she married a really great guy. She of course looked beautiful and the ceremony was lovely. I just wish I had had more energy instead of still suffering from jet lag, and a toddler who happened to be WAY off her normal schedule and totally regress in her previously completed potty training.
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Counting cars at snack time |
The next week I went from nannying one toddler two times a week, to the toddler and his two older sisters, who were on summer break, three days a week. These kids are all great. They are kind and fun. Babycake and I had a blast spending our summer with them. We had many trips to the zoo and participated in the library summer reading program too. We got great prizes from the reading program- baseball tickets, state fair tickets, children's museum haunted house tickets, toys, and lots and lots of temporary tattoos.
The only downside I found to having four kids three days a week was that my workout routine suffered... a lot. Summer was not only busy in our daily life events, but my husband's work schedule lengthened as well. I was often left home with Babycake until 7 or 8 in the evening. So, after having 4 kids all day I wasn't interested in driving to the Y to exercise, and on my days off, it still sounded exhausting since I was playing single parent all day. This is not the first time hubby's schedule has become 12 hr shifts, but we had gotten used to having him home by 5 or 6 each night. Last summer it was incredibly frustrating when he worked this late as Babycake would be in bed, or getting ready for bed, by the time he got home. This year, she's so big and stays up until 8 or 8:30! (I'm interested in seeing if this will stick once the sun starts going down earlier and we aren't outside playing as late)
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A rose for each year
in our marraige. |
This summer my husband and I also celebrated our 5th wedding anniversary. To celebrate, hubby got me a new computer since my old one was 4 yrs old, and beginning to turn off at random points while I was still working and battery life showed fine. Each year he also gets me roses- one for each year of our marriage. Somehow I always forget he does this and am surprised and touched by the gesture. He claims he does this so one day he can walk into the flower shop and order 50.
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Liverpool FC vs. Olypiacos FC |
My gift to him was a day trip to Chicago to watch his favorite football/soccer team Liverpool FC. While we were in England we got to tour Liverpool FC stadium, museum, and training grounds. It happened to be the off season for football/soccer while we were there so there was no chance of seeing any players or going to a game. The day in Liverpool was the best day of my husband's life despite not attending a game. I think this summer will go down in our family history as the best ever since he ended up being present at a game (even if it was an international friendly).
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Fishin' at the State Fair! |
To end the summer our little family went to the state fair. We ended up doing almost every activity/ sight we did last year, and added a few more. It was fun to look at the almost identical pictures from last year and this year and see how much Babycake has grown! Not only is she obviously bigger, but she was able to understand so much more, and follow instructions from the presenters of activities on her own too. Next year we will probably do the same things again b/c she will not remember and will be able to do more and learn more.
Now that summer has ended and school has begun, our nanny friends are all in school full time. It was sad saying bye to the kiddos, especially the little one since I've been watching him for over a year. Babycake had just turned one when I began watching him and can't remember life without him. She still talks about them everyday and saves seats at the table or couch for them. I think she's confused why they are not with us almost everyday anymore.
Hubby still works late, but I'm now going back to the Y. It's really nice to get back on a more relaxed schedule. Sadly this break is just that, a break. This fall we've got four weddings, a few showers, a trip to Lake MI, and to top it off, I've agreed to begin a business with my aunt. So our summer adventures have ended and our fall ones are on the brink. I'm just grateful for this breather.
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