Wednesday, April 15, 2020

Week 12: Polar Animals, Pink, Circle, & 9

This week our theme was Polar Animals. We sang a little Arctic Animal Song where we learned that Arctic animals have white fur that helps them hide in the snowy places they live.

We made polar bears out of tp rolls. They were super cute. Each child painted their own rolls, glued on the pom ears and nose, and then placed the bear's eyes. They did such a great job!

We also made penguins out of rectangles, our shape of the week. We learned that even though penguins are not all white, they are a polar animal and live in the snow too.

We did a lot of charting this week. We charted penguins by size, shortest to tallest. It was shocking to some students to learn that the emperor penguin is taller than a child. We also worked on patterns with arctic animals.

Finally, we learned that S is for stamps and snowmen. We hung the snowmen down the hall for all to see.

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