Saturday, October 19, 2019

Week 2: Making Friends, Letter Aa, Color green, Triangle shape, and Number 2

We had a great second week! The kiddos are doing really well playing and working together. We are still doing such a great job coming into class, putting backpacks away, and signing in. This week we learned about Making Friends, the letter Uu, the color blue, the square shape, and the number 2.

One of the first things we made this week was a “Which Friend’s Hand is This?” book. Each friend had a picture of his/her hand taken and added to the book. It's a fun was for the children to walk the classroom meeting friends, learning names, and trying to match hands to pictures.

For our letter of the week we colored a U and glued on an umbrella. When we learn a new letter, we sing our letter sound song. After two weeks and two letters, the kids have caught on to the tune and now only focus on inserting the correct letter name and sound. 

For our shape and color of the week we colored a square blue, my 4/5 class were also allowed to cut it out. 

Finally to go along more with our Making Friends theme and adding a little science, we painted our two hands blue, made a “friendship quilt” with our hand prints, and talked about germs. It takes a long time to wash off paint, just like washing off germs.

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