Thursday, March 5, 2015

New Dance Class!

Babycake is the one directly
across from the instructor.
Over the last year Babycake has been attending classes at our local Y. Last spring she took two gymnastics classes. She knew how to do a somersault before the class, but she learned how to do a log roll, handstand against the wall, how to properly land after a jump, as well as a supported backward roll. She loved it.

Last fall she took two dance classes. She did great and again loved it. I also loved the class as the it was small, and the teacher was amazing so parents got to sit in the room but didn't have to participate. So nice when I was feeling ill due to pregnancy.

Today Babycake had her second class in the next level dance class. She had a great time and did well. I was a little nervous about it though as parents got kicked out of the room. (We were allowed in the first class to sit and watch and will be allowed back in the room at the last class) So, I along with all the other parents sat in the hallway and watched through the room window. I was probably the most nervous parent as Babycake is the youngest in the class and only makes the age cut as she will turn 3 at the end of the class session. 

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